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Keynote Speakers

Speaker: Prof. Haima Yang, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

Prof. Haima Yang, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
ang Haima, received his Ph.D. degree in 2015 from the Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. During 2022-2023, He was a visiting scholar at the Aalto University,Finland. During 2004-now, he worked as a professor in instrument science and technology with the School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering,USST, China. In recent years, he has published more than 30 SCI academic papers in Applied Optics,J. Appl. Phys, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Optics Express and other journals. He was selected as Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program 2023. He is responsible for national research plan, national defense science and technology innovation application and other projects. His research fields mainly include the following contents:(1) Measurement and tracking for beacon position and attitude in quantum optical communication (2) SPR sensor mechanism and simulation (3) Symbolic slider variable structure control (4) Analysis for optical polarizing vector fields. His crosswise tasks include the following contents: (1) Designing and manufacturing for photoelectric intelligent instruments (2) Development for electrical intelligent detection devices (3) Analysis and processing for digital signal processing systems (4) Development for pattern recognition systems (5) Gathering enriched experience in product design and equipment development of circuit design, such as PCB, MCU(51/PIC/MSP430/STM32), PLC control (Siemens, MitsubishiQPLC) and LabVIEW programming.

General Chairs: Prof. Kurban Ubul, Xinjiang University, China (ACM / IEEE / IAPR / IAENG Member, CCF Senior Member)

Prof. Kurban Ubul, Xinjiang University, China (ACM / IEEE / IAPR / IAENG Member, CCF Senior Member)

​Kurban Ubul has been a Researcher with the Xinjiang Laboratory of Multi-language Information Technology since 2000. He is currently a Professor with the School of Information Science and Engineering, Xinjiang University, China. He has authored three books, one book chapter, and over 60 papers, presented at numerous international conferences. His research interests include image processing, pattern recognition, speech signal processing, digital signal processing, and education technology. He is a member of the International Association of Pattern Recognition, the IEEE Computer Society, the Association for Computing Machinery, and the China Computer Federation. He served as the technical committee member/reviewer of many international conferences such as the CCBR2017, the IGS2017, the CCBR2016, the CSA2016, the Isca2015, the ICDAR2015, the ICMIAC2014, the WOSSPA2013, the ISIEA2012, and the ICSP2012. He is a Committee Member of the Pattern Recognition Professional Committee for China Artificial Intelligence Association and the Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Professional Committee for China Automation Association. He currently serves as an Editor of the Singapore Journal of Scientific Research, the Cyber Journals, the Image and Signal Processing, and the Journal of Security and Safety Technology. He was a Reviewer of the IEEE IHMS, the IET Biometrics, and the IJITM.

General Chairs: Prof. Tae-Kyun Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea (IEEE Member)

Prof. Tae-Kyun Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea (IEEE Member)

Tae-Kyun (T-K) Kim is a full Professor and the director of Computer Vision and Learning Lab at School of Computing, KAIST since 2020, and has been an adjunct reader of Imperial College London (ICL), UK for 2020-2024. He led Computer Vision and Learning Lab at ICL during 2010-2020. He obtained his PhD from Univ. of Cambridge in 2008 and Junior Research Fellowship (governing body) of Sidney Sussex College, Univ. of Cambridge during 2007-2010. His BSc and MSc are from KAIST. His research interests primarily lie in machine (deep) learning for 3D computer vision and generative AI, including articulated 3D hand/body reconstruction, face analysis and recognition, 6D object pose estimation, activity recognition, object detection/tracking, active robot vision, which lead to novel active and interactive visual sensing. He has co-authored over 100 academic papers in top-tier conferences and journals in the field, and has co-organised series of HANDS workshops and 6D Object Pose workshops (in conjunction with CVPR/ICCV/ECCV) since 2015. He was the general chair of BMVC17 in London, the program co-chair of BMVC23, and is Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition Journal, Image and Vision Computing Journal. He regularly serves as an Area Chair for top-tier vision/ML conferences. He received KUKA best service robotics paper award at ICRA2014, and 2016 best paper award by the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, and the best paper finalist at CVPR2020, and his co-authored algorithm for face image representation is an international standard of MPEG-7 ISO/IEC.


Dr. Muhammad Asif Khan, Qatar Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC), Doha, Qatar (IEEE Senior Member, IET Member)

Muhammad Asif Khan is a Research Scientist at Qatar Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC), Doha, Qatar. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at Qatar University. Muhammad Asif Khan received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Qatar University (2020), an M.Sc. degree in telecommunication engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan (2013), and a B.Sc. degree in telecommunication engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan (2009). Muhammad Asif Khan is the recipient of the Postdoctoral Research Award (PDRA) from the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) in 2022. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. He is a senior member of IEEE, a member of IET, and a Chartered Engineer (CEng) with the Engineering Council (UK). He is also an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (TCE), IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society (TTS), and IEEE Future Directions Technology Policy and Ethics Newsletter.

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